November 8, 2023 Well, Apple finally did it. Rumors turned to reality. They ditched the Lightning connector for a USB-C port on the latest iPhone. It’s been a long...
November 8, 2023 Well, Apple finally did it. Rumors turned to reality. They ditched the Lightning connector for a USB-C port on the latest iPhone. It’s been a long...
Some hotel guests checked out, but never checked out. Be prepared for some chills and thrills when staying the night at one of these top ten haunted hotels. And ...If you...
Some hotel guests checked out, but never checked out. Be prepared for some chills and thrills when staying the night at one of these top ten haunted hotels. And ...If you...
There are many different power outlets and plug types used across the world, from Type A in the USA to Thailand’s unique Type O. To keep yourself and your gadgets...
There are many different power outlets and plug types used across the world, from Type A in the USA to Thailand’s unique Type O. To keep yourself and your gadgets...
Here’s our pick of the best new technology at CES 2022 that could (potentially) make a difference to a hospitality business.
Here’s our pick of the best new technology at CES 2022 that could (potentially) make a difference to a hospitality business.
Ever walked into a hotel room to find it equipped with useless technology? The question hotels should be asking isn’t ‘what technology do guests want?’ It’s ‘what technology do guests...
Ever walked into a hotel room to find it equipped with useless technology? The question hotels should be asking isn’t ‘what technology do guests want?’ It’s ‘what technology do guests...
Clever alarm clocks like the Brandstand CubieBlue are perfect for hotels big and small, offering a range of features designed to improve the guest room experience. Download our infographic.
Clever alarm clocks like the Brandstand CubieBlue are perfect for hotels big and small, offering a range of features designed to improve the guest room experience. Download our infographic.